11 Aug 2007

2. And I don't write bitter, when I'm stuck in the ground, so don't teach me a lesson, cause I've already learned…

Sooooooo had some more ideas this morning.

And with James in Germany I thought I would spew them onto here before I forgot them.

First of all was:

Jack Penate - Torn On The Platform

Hehe Reggie Yates particularly loves this song. So he was raving on about it on radio one this morning.

Plus the video is a tad boring ... one of those concept videos where if you don't like the concept then the music is spoilt... Another song about failing relationships lol.

The idea was we could film someone being late to catch a train. So he has to wait on the platform ... anxious ... waiting for the next train. However the geezer has had to take two trains to get to where he’s going and by missing the second train he's going to be late obviously. So he rings up the love interest and apologises for being late ... she don't take it too well and cancels the date. So now the geezer is "Torn on the platform" wondering whether to go home and give up ... flashbacks of arguments bad memories in sequence to this bit when the Jack stops sing and the bass drum goes dum dum dum dum ... or to go to her. Eventually it ends with him arriving at her house in the rain soaked with flowers and her letting him in. Awww nice ending.

Yeah would be tricky rigging the weather but as it’s an indie song the video doesn't need to be too impressive looking.

The Strokes - Heart In A Cage OR Radiohead 2+2=5

Had this idea for days but I don't know how to visually represent it because it such a complex video idea.

Basically both songs are about society stealing your soul. Therefore I decided to take influence from Plato's analogy of the cave.

Basically the analogy goes that there are some prisoners in a cage chained together and facing a wall. Cast onto this wall are shadows that the prisoners believe to be the real world. However after one breaks free and escapes from the cave he goes outside and is enlightened by the sun to the real world. Where as the other prisoners are stuck ignorantly in the cave believe the shadows cast are the real world. When the escaped enlightened prisoner comes back and tries to tell the ignorant prisoners what the real truth is they kill him (don't ask me how considering there chained up). It all represents how Philosophers have escaped the cave of ignorance (society's view) to think properly ... and this is why Philosophers should rule the world. As they think with reason instead of just ignorant accepting everything.

To videoly represent this I was thinking of showing a guy playing football or painting ... something creative ... and then being sold a TV by a man in a suit. The guy then sets up the TV and gets addicted. He starts wearing the shoes and clothes advertised and starts thinking exactly the way the TV tells him to. Eventually ... ain't decided this bit yet ... the guy realises the truth. The guy walks through a door to like a football stadium or an art gallery (previously mentioned hobbies that the guy has now forgotten) and then as he opens the door and walks through it cuts to a shot of him climbing out the box. This represents him realising the truth again putting the TV back in the box and putting it in the loft or summing. And then the last shot is him trying to convince his TV addicted friends to stop watching TV and come outside but they kill him and the video ends.

So yeahhh as I said quite complicated.


The Strokes:

Muse - Assassin

This song freaking OWNS hard. So gutted Muse didn't play this song when I saw them as I would have gone mental.

I keep thinking how incredibly cool it would be to have a gun fight video in suits with some walking parts that pay homage to "Reservoir Dogs". Dunno what the story would be but it looks awesome in my head every time I listen to this song.

Plus anything with guns and suits is automatically cool unless it's got Vin Diesel in it.

So yeahhhh a few ideas.


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