20 Oct 2007

14. I came, I saw, I conquered ... so Mrs B if you want this encore, I need you to scream, 'til your lungs get sore...

Hey everyone,

Hope everyone’s half term owns as much as mine so far. So happy to be taking time off school ... really needed the break from intellectualness if you get me? Right as there hasn't been a post on here for 10 days I may as well give an update to our current situation.

To do list:

  • Research - We still need to do a focus group and look at the institutions behind the Strokes and the general indie scene they represent.
  • Finish the storyboard (We shouldn't take long as our production is only six shots long).
  • Textual Analysis - Already done "Heart In A Cage" and "Ayo Technology", still gotta do "Sledgehammer" and one where the music is reflected in the video (any suggestions).
  • More themes of professionalism to add to the general pile - Currently just using a really decent camera.

Also after looking at the previous student videos I created a "Things to avoid list":

Things to avoid list:

  • Bad exposure - Classic mistake for making the video look really amateur.
  • Young kids or trying to act - We're young we can't act yet ... FACT!
  • Video effects - Ghost trail just looks rubbish because everyone uses iMovie so the real skill is making it look original.
  • Lyrics shown too obviously - Not everyone watching is intellectually challenged ... keep it subtle.
  • Make up - You've just been hit by a car ... your body has been scrapped across the road and your bones are broken ... but no wounds ... who you kidding?
  • Darkness - Unless you’re making a foreboding video ... and to memory none of them were ... don't use darkness because the camera we use are so bad at night ... trusts.
  • Poor ending shots - I've just sat through an awful song and you've presented me with a very weak narrative ... at least try and end on something memorable.
  • Room to "talk into" - Mr Morrison put extra emphasis on this ... and of course he's right ... it does look very silly if you have your basic close up and there’s half the shot behind the person's head.

So yeahhh keeping the ball rolling. I do seem very negative about the student productions however I did particularly like:

Now to a weekend of disappointment to look forward to.

Don't get wrong I would love England to win the rugby world cup and Hamilton to win the F1 but come on we're English therefore we always fall hard when we're playing well ... just look at Russia. Rooney's goal was just orgasmic though :).



jonathan of rose said...

More relentless cynicism... still, it's what we've come to expect from you two. I've had bad experiences with darkness in past productions, so I'm going to concentrate on effective lighting with this one, I reckon.

its_mrs_b said...

Jake, your sporting predictions are spookily accurate... So totally loving your attention to detail, guys. Make sure all of your analysis, etc, is fully documented for Mr M and I to see when we come to mark everything. Remember, you're trying to give us lots of reasons why we'll struggle to give you anything but full marks. Are you actually filming over half term?? And, Jake, don't forget you do actually have to do some CRS work at some point!!!!!

ponkalulu said...

OK, I'm pretty much really not liking either of you two right now. Nothing constructive to say because I'm bitter. Grr. I think I shall murder you both in your sleep one day because you're too goddamned good! BTW, neither of you apply to Bournemouth!! x

Mr. M said...

Good call Mrs B, as always. Jake, get cracking on that CRS. We need to see tangible evidence for the next CRS lesson...
As for the sport - bad luck - the southern hemisphere will always OWN you on the rugby paddock.