5 Oct 2007

11. My alarm clock he ain't working, but that don't really mind, cos he ain't no friend of mine...

So yeah ... had a fun lesson to day. No Morrison so we all WORKED hard, got ALOT OF WORK DONE, USED OUR BRAINS TO THINK and PRODUCED SOME DECENT STANDARD WORK. I made A VIDEO!

Well yeah that ... and also I spent two hours editing, with James happily looking around York, and also finishing our concept tester see what you think:

Yes, yes, I know I look really hot in a tie you don't have to comment and tell me that. Now to try and put a positive spin on what appears to be a complete waste of time:

  • There has to be people in the background or some movement of some kind of it just looks like in the tester as you can't really see the effect on the video.
  • Lip syncing shall be hard but not impossible, the last word of every sentence is easy to sync just the middle of it was hard.
  • Dad's camera produces a very clear and crisp picture even on you tube :)
  • My hair is very soft to touch and smells of minty head & shoulders, also my mum makes killer banana cakes
  • If we play the song at half speed or quarter speed and mime to that ... all we have to do in the editing it double or quadruple the speed of the footage ... whilst still creating the same effect
All in all the concept works and should produce and interesting video … we hope.

After reading all this ... please leave a comment on The Strokes video in the post below this. It will be very well recieved if you do :D.

Anyways hope everyone has an awesome weekend, I know I sure will…


jonathan of rose said...

I wouldn't describe it as a waste of time... practice footage goes down well in the "planning" bit, I reckon. And the lip sync is actually really good for 2 hours work. Still, that'll have to be what you concentrate on fixing up the most, since people will be looking at you singing for most of the video. That and the hi-larious sped up stuff going on in the background.

ponkalulu said...

OK Jake, I am actually going to cry. Please change that picture you stalker before I sue you for using unpermissioned pictures online. argh! Also, I couldn't get the clip of you lipsyncing to work :(

its_mrs_b said...

Guys, like the concept and the way you're stretching the possible with the technology. Mr M and I are going to have a good play with Final Cut Express over half term so we can get our heads round it properly to show you all - it far surpasses iMovie so there'll be functionality that you might find interesting...

And stop those inappropriate drug references. We know you're joking, but remember this is a public blog and you're representing the school!!!

Mr. M said...

Couldn't agree more with all the comments...
1. Jon is right, not a waste of two hours by any means. An integral part of any planning is knowing whether or not your concept can be fully realised. Especially when, in this case, that technique is the defining feature of your work. Image quality is great too - just need the backgrounds.
2. Agree with Caitlin - be a good blog host and respect her wishes by offering to replace the image with one she is happy with.
3. Very much with Mrs B - you guys could well get to love Final Cut Express. And fully behind her on the drug refs too; both as HOS and as your teacher. Some respect please...

princess_lauren said...

took me ages to figure out what HOS was.. and while we are changing pictures...