9 Sept 2007

5. When the truth is, I miss you...

Was listening to this song the other day and the idea for a music video just sorta popped into place and I was left at the end of the song with a kinda cool idea I would share.

Coldplay - Warning Sign

It starts with a shot under a bed, where you see a hand reach under to grab a box and pull it into the light. A hand switches on a CD machine and turns up the volume to reflect the music.

You then see a hand rummage through the box, tis a hairy one so the audience know its a guy, and the hand starts to pick up photos.

Then theres a flash back sequence which are photo related, of a guy and a girl on like romantic dates down the beach or in the moonlight or something. But there all in reverse to reflect the music.

The guy then put the pictures back and then goes down stairs and watches TV with his head in hands.

He just sits there and stares a photo of them and hes almost crying. Then the camera pans to the bed and theres flashback of them lying in it holding each other.

Come on in, I've gotta tell you what state I'm in, I've gotta tell you in my loudest tones, That I started looking for a warning sign.

But then theres a knock at the door and the guy lets his mates in and goes to the kitchen to sort out sum plates, they've brought chinese to cheer him up.

He sees off at the door and then the guys in the kitchen now cleaning the sink and his attention cast onto a stain on wall. It then flashbacks to the couple cookin a meal and them making the stain.

Then it's the next day and hes shown working and then eventually eatting wiv his head in hands and the distraught look. Then on the bus on his own and hes watching memories of him playin and messing around with his girlfriend. He goes past a flower shop and it reminds him of the time he bought her roses.

The guy gets home and goes upstairs and looks at the photos again. They basically remind him of how lonely his is so he goes downstairs, pauses a CD plater, music stops and he rings her but its goes to answer machine so he hangs up and puts the music back on just at the chorus.

Then you see a taxi pull up and someone get in holding roses. They pull up to a house. Someone then gets out of the car and the person is holding a bunch of flowers and the card can seen reading "Please take me back, I love you" or something of that nature.

You find out its the girl in the memories, she knocks but one of his friends answers holding chinese but tells her to go away. He takes the flowers into the house but chucks them in a bin and walks off.

The women rides home crying, with the text "I never meant to cheat on you please say your hold me again like you used too".

The last shot is a fade to black with the flowers in the bin.

So its a story of how your friends protect you from getting hurt again.

Thought I would just write it on here before I forgot it and we can just add it to the big pile of in depth ideas...


1 comment:

princess_lauren said...

i love that its chinese.. although i do think u need a shot of someone getting 3rd degree burns from sweet and sour sauce :P

its just occurred 2 me how much better ur blog is.. but atleast I made 1 :)


(http://laurenissycatrhys.blogspot.com/ if u want 2 have a nose)