22 Sept 2007


In such a good mood today ... dancing around like no ones watching while walking the dog ... can't really think of anything else I would want to do with my saturday morning. Control your self Jake, this is only a media blog ... not a scary one about your life (James will know who I mean).

Anyways, I got bored of doing my CRS ... with Miss Bannon only 100 metres from me now ... talk about big brother taking over ... so I thought I would clear up somethings I mentioned in class to Mr M.

Here is the Kasabian - Shoot The Runner video I was talking about:

Although I can't get enough of the new Kanye West video ... its like Aha - Take On Me:

With the looking through the window colour bit ... god that is such a good video whatever people say ... crossed with Justice - D.A.N.C.E ...

Well here the Kanye West - Good Life (the video in question) ...

Now I was also talking about a certain student video...

And how it reminded me alot of the Death From Above 1979 - Blood On Our Hands (the actual video) ...

Well colour wise and setting anyways ... obviously the actual video has much more dynamic camerawork to convey the energy of the band ... man I wish I could of seen them when they were touring, 'You're A Woman, I'm A Machine' is such a good album.

Anyways, hope everyone has a good day. COME ON ENGLAND'S WOMEN.


P.s just read somewhere that the same animators were used for the Kanye West and Justice video ... hmmm is that why they look so similar? Haha.

P.p.s looks like the competitions arrived ... good job this one is pink ... no hints whos it is ... but Jon's is green ... and we all know nothing beats green! Also Pauls is under construction.


jonathan of rose said...

Lots of stuff here... yours'll probably own if this amount of work is anything to go by.
Oh, and sorry to hijack your blog to promote my own efforts, but here's my new music video blog: www.jonroseattempts.blogspot.com

Do your best not to think I'm ripping you off substandardly.

princess_lauren said...

"competition".. im not even going 2 respond 2 that as i dont like admiting ur better than me jake.. (but to be fair it doesnt happen very often.. textual analysis exam any one..? :P) xx

Jake Nicholls said...

Revision for San Andreas anyone?

princess_lauren said...

hey dont start that i tried to give u the credit but u didnt want it! still doesn't explain how i managed a better grade that u.. and how much "revision" did we actually do?! xx

Sibley said...

"Kia Kaha", someone's sucking up big-time!

Mr. M said...

Now now children, don't argue.

Don't be such a cynic James.
I'm sure Jake just likes using his new Maori vocabulary. Right Jake?
Good work posting all these YouTube videos too - lots of inspiration here...

Remember folks, when you do link to a video try to vocalise exactly what it is about the video that has influenced you or inspired you to try to emulate...

Keep up the good work all you bloggers!

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