30 Sept 2007

9. Well you’re walking and a talking, and a moving and a grooving, and a hipping and a hopping, and a picking and a bopping...

So for our next step we need to film some tester footage to check how impossible our concept is going to be. Me or James miming and then a little Imovie tinkering should be our first video post soon enough.

Also we need a focus group some time. For the "research into target market" bit. Inviting some indie mates over someone’s house, perhaps borrowing one of the schools music video DVDs and a cool little questionnaire should suffice.

Also there’s some textual analysis in order which is where I'm struggling. It's got to the point now ... as lame as this sounds ... that searching Google for music directors fails to produce a director that I love all his stuff.

Took some silly quiz thing that told me I would most like David Fincher's works. David Fincher being the guy that directed Fight Club which would link back to the mise en scene of our prominent concept at the moment. With one check of "Billy Idols - Cradle of Love" I was almost completely put off however after checking out the rather slightly entertaining "Nine Inch Nails - Only" he didn't look a complete waste of research. However with one look at his wiki page, I came to the conclusion that he hadn't have worked with many people I would be able to enjoy textual analysing there videos together.

I next searched Chris Cunningham on wikipedia. Discovered the shockable offence that he made a video for "The Horrors - Sheena Is A Parasite". Ergh working with The Horrors should be a shootable offence ... whatever Burby says ... worse live band I’ve seen in my life SO FAR (got to love homer).

The way its looking I think I might use Michel Gondry for a case study, as he’s worked with The White Stripes and The Vines and wikipedia also highlighted the fact that he made the "Steriogram - Walkie Talkie Man" video. This is rather ace in my opinion. It's like the string bit in "Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy" if you've seen the film your know which bit I mean.

That could be a possibility or I might try to focus on a specific indie band and analysing their videos. Stumbling around the internet I came across a group of four animators called Shynola which have created a few cool animated videos. They made a video for Radiohead, which thus gave me an idea of focusing on a specific band for the textual analysis as an Indie band should probably produce a lot of indie music videos. Whether my theory is right is yet to be proven.

The Strokes are a band I adore at the moment after recently acquiring "Is This It", which features "Last Nite", and also "First Impressions of Earth". I think I'll eventually acquire "Room On Fire" in an equally legal way as my cd is too scratched. With this in mind and the very likely possibility we might be using "Last Nite", also the fact that I love the "Heart In A Cage" video ... especially the bit where he drops the guitar off the building ... I think I shall textually analyse some of their videos. If I can get around to buying a DVD with them all on.

To sum up, this is for me and James more than anyone, we need to:
  • Do a concept tester
  • Textual Analyse 3-5 music videos
  • Focus group research
  • Storyboards
  • Shot lists / Edit list
  • Some mise en scene sketches
However any other case study suggestions would be helpful. I'm just walking down the road at the moment ... with no idea which direction to travel.



jonathan of rose said...

David Fincher's done music videos? You learn something new every day. To be fair though, you can't expect to find a director who you'll love all the work of. As for the Chris Cunningham-man, I thought he was trying a bit too hard with those Aphex twin videos we saw. The Björk video was beautiful, though.

Mr. M said...

Great post Jake - excellent links too. Makes a real difference when readers can access what you are on about straight away - well done.

Good idea summing up to - gives us (and you!) a real impression of where you are headed and what you need to do. Production in action...

Michel Gondry is perfect for a case study too - such an interesting and varied director.

Remember to try the 'post a video with 3 or 4 questions idea' Then your focus group punters could answer in a blog comment. 1/4 bar chocolate per paragraph wasn't it?

Glad you could see the beauty in the C Cunnigham Bjork video, Jon of Rose - couldn't agree more. Precision music video directorship with such a rich yet pared back visual style.

Jake Nicholls said...

In retort to Jon's "you can't expect to find a director who you'll love all the work of" I did stumble onto Joseph Kahn who directed the video for "Muse - Knights Of Cydonia" PLEASE MR M CHECK OUT THIS VIDEO, Muse another band known for their amazing videos (after checking out knights you might wanna check out Sing For Absolution don't know who directed it though), who also made the "Britney Spears -Toxic" music video and the voyeurtastic "50 Cent - Ayo Technology" video.

So yeah might choose him for a case study as I do like his works the most out of all the directors, as he is a bit more mainstream, which is more my preference.

So ha! :P